Projectile MotionA projectile is an object which is launched at some initial velocity and some angle to the horizontal. Projectiles experience only free fall acceleration. the path of a projectile can be determined using the kinematics equations provided in chapter 2, by separating x and y components of position, velocity and acceleration. the trajectory path of a particle in projectile motion that is parabolic can be determined by:
If the initial position in x and y is zero, the horizontal range (R, the horizonal distance traveled by the particle) is given by:
Uniform Circular Motion If a particle travels along a circle of radius r and velocity v, there must be a centripetal acceleration directed at the center of the circle given by:
The time for this particle to travel around the cirlce is the period which is given by:
Relative Motion When two Frames of refrence A and B are moving at diffent constant velocities, the movement of particle P differs between the two refrence frames. The velocities are given by:
The observed accelerations are the same:
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