
WEBster blog

Click link at left or barrywebster.com/blog

Michigan Computer Science Teachers Association

Use link at left or click MiCSTA. Teachers, check out the other links.

Prospective Computer Science Students

See Take Computer Science. Know the difference between Computer Science and Technology. And, know the difference between Computer Science and Computer Applications.

Check out DCDS Computer Science for sample courses and schedules.

Click Sam's Website for a good student website project when it was built.

Japan Connection

I traveled to Japan during November 2006 under the sponsorship of the Japan Fulbright Memorial Fund (JFMF). The trip inspired the creation of this website to help advance the mutual understanding of Japanese and Americans. Check out Japan and Michigan.

This website is at http://barrywebster.com

Last modified 1/21/16 by B L Webster. © 2016 by B L Webster.