With Online Resources, Do We Still Need Computer Science Teachers?

Many online resources help people learn parts of computer science. Code.org is one example. Universities have MOOCs (Massive Open Online Course) aplenty. Just put MOOC into your favorite search engine, like DuckDuckGo, to find examples. More resources keep coming. This prompts some to wonder whether we still need computer science teachers.

Alfred Thompson, wrote this […]

Get Computer Science into Schools Through Other Classes?

Mark Guzdial posts about Computer Science Education in his Computing Education blog. (I subscribe to email that updates whenever he posts.) His recent post “Get CS into Schools through Math and Science Classes: What we might lose” is one of his many posts that I like.

Mark Guzdial lists three reasons not to pursue CS […]

LadyParagons: “Why I Became a Computer Engineer”

Website LadyParagons believes women and girls can and do exceed at STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). They are “building a community to tell the stories of women in STEM, showcase women’s STEM organizations, and provide a platform where ladies can help ladies succeed in STEM careers”. The site is cofounded by Marie Webster […]

Interpreting School Testing Data

Much is made of national results from the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA). I have often questioned the way results are commonly interpreted. Sharon Machlis points out several problems with these interpretations in her Computerworld blog. There are many reasons why some students do better than others on these exams. Schools and curricula are […]

December 9-13, 2013 is Computer Science Education Week

Computer Science Education Week promotes computer science in K-12 schools. The dates include the birthday of Admiral Grace Hopper on December 9 (born in 1906). Go to CSEdWeek.org or code.org for information and teaching and/or learning ideas. They would like all students K-12 to participate in an hour of code.

Many people, myself included, […]